This is the time of year when many companies start planning for 2022. As there are a multitude of tax credits and grants available to companies, many should consider these programs as part of their planning.

One way to do this is for RDP to review their plan for 2022 and advise on what programs are a fit to leverage cash flow for hiring, training, innovation and export. This can typically be done in a short call.

If you have any clients or you are interested in this service please do not hesitate to contact or connect us.

In addition to grants here are a few tips companies should be checking with respect to SR&ED tax credit claim;

  1. Do you have sufficient documentation to support a CRA review? While you do not need a lot of documentation, if you don’t have any the claim is likely to be disallowed. RDP’s ICP process makes SRED documentation painless
  2. Can you answer the question, “what was your baseline technology?”. This is a key question CRA asks. Their first comment is generally, “I reviewed your project development description and it appears that this technology and the development procedures are in the public domain”. It is important to do the proper searches in advance to support that your SR&ED project is not in public domain. RDP can assist with this.

As always we are here to answer any questions you might have on SR&ED, digital media tax credits and grant programs.