The Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF) is a new grant that will provide funding to SMEs ranging from $20,000 to $250,000 CAD covering up to 25% of a project’s eligible costs. The funding is for projects that lower GHG emissions and energy usage. The program is available to SMEs in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick.
Some of the top priority areas for funding are related to energy-efficient projects such as
- Building retrofits (energy-efficient water heating and lighting systems, windows/doors/skylights, increased insulation, weatherproofing, and glazing).
- Transportation (switching fuel to lower-emitting sources),
- Agriculture (processes to improve energy efficiency),
- Electricity and Energy production (on-site renewable energy systems and low-emission fuel production), and improvements in waste management.
The CAIF opened for applications on July 17, 2019. It will last for 90 days OR until funding is exhausted. We expect this fund to be highly popular, which is on a first-come; first-served basis, so eligible companies need to apply now!
Please note that applicants can submit up to five (5) applications for individual projects. HOWEVER, the total amount of funding requested for the CAIF cannot exceed CAD$250,000.
For a free assessment of your eligibility for The Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF), contact our grant specialists: